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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Macro Monday~Frog

I spotted this tiny visitor of mine at our deck. On top of the frog is my DH eyeglass case. He stands motionless even if I took several shots.  Actually, at first I thought it's a toy that looks like  cement because it does look like one. But it turns out real, after I took shots on this tiny frog I waited for him to hop and he did. Then he was gone. Here is my MACRO MONDAY shot for this week.


Kala said...

He is adorable - wonderful detail!

Carletta said...

He is very small in comparison to the glass case.
Nice closeup!

teresa said...

Very very cute. He does look like he could be made of cement.

michael mckee said...

Love the frog. I first thought that the glasses case was a shoe holding him in place.

margie said...

tiny! how did you even spot him?

Joanne Olivieri said...

He does look like a toy. What a fantastic shot, I love it.

kimmy said...

honestly, i don't know how to react because basically i'm not a frog lover, but seeing the photo, i find it.. how do i describe it.. lovely creature? nice shot!

Hootin Anni said...

Oh my gosh, the detailing in this photo is incredible!!!!

My Macro Monday is a bit on the odd side today...would you believe bricks?!! But it's all explained below the photos. Here. Come visit with me if you can. Have a great week.

Janis said...

Great shot...he looks like he is trying to blend in with the glass case!

B i r g i t t a said...

A very good shot! He is so cute :)

"Lillagul" said...

What a cute little frog !
Great camoflage he has , sure lookes like cement :)
Great photo !

msdewberry said...

Very cute frog! Love the gnarly skin!

Jama said...

This is a good catch!

xinex said...

Beautiful shot!We have so many frogs around the pool and fountain and they are so loud...Christine

MaR said...

A fantastic capture!! cute little one and it does look like he is covered by cement.

front yard beauty

Birgitta said...

So cool! Great capture!

Ingrid said...

How sweet ! Apparently you didn't kiss him because he is still a frog and not a prince !

EG CameraGirl said...

And you captured it before it hopped away! Great!

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