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Sunday, May 13, 2012

Favorite Fruits

The good thing about here in the Philippines we are abundant of fresh fruits. Yesterday, my family and I went to Iligan City to visit my niece. I like to go around the wet market or public market just to feel the spirit of the city. I believe  that in a place where the people meet is where you find  the culture of the place. Here are some fruit stalls that I took photos. People are joyful and happy to pose for me hahaha. They even said put it in facebook!! Being happy, smiling and joyful is one good treat or attribute that Filipinos have. Here are some of my photos.

                                                   MELLOW YELLOW MONDAY and  BLUE MONDAY


Unknown said...

oy, sarap ng vacation mo, mangoes are in season! enjoy!

Mona's Picturesque said...

Oh my! I so envy your fruits. Looks SO delicious. We dont't get anything else besides apples :) And fruits are very expencive :( You are lucky :) !!!

Rajesh said...

Wonderfully stacked fruits.

Annie Jeffries said...

Oh yummm. Those pineapples look divine.

LadyD Piano said...

Beautiful blues and yellows! Love the photos!

lina@home sweet home said...

I love mangoes. Great shots, Kim :)

Liz said...

Sarap. Hope you're enjoying your vacation. :)

Have a fabulous week.

Liz @ MLC
Liz @ YACB

Diann said...

Everything looks so yummy and fresh! Happy Blue Monday!

SmilingSally said...

Thanks for sharing your blues. I love fresh fruit too.

Happy Blue Monday, Kim.

Chubskulit Rose said...

I want some mangoes please?

Mellow Yellow at my page, please come and see.

Leovi said...

Yes, these photos are great, I love these exquisite compositions.

Ingrid said...

The pictures are beautiful, and the fruits a dream !

LV said...

Nothing better than fresh fruit, and besides it is healthy for us. These people look very happy to share with you.

EJ said...

Oh man, we love mangoes here!!

Your comment on my BLUE would be so much appreciated!

Eden said...

I miss our mangoes.

Jessica Cassidy said...

I miss those fresh fruits too Sis especially the mango :-) How is your vacation Sis? Dropping by from MYM

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