If I don't boil pork I would always bake it. Somehow I find baking easy and you need to watched it all the time. What I do with the pork here, I cut it 1/4 palm size, cut the potato half or four times, I put a lot of cabbage since hubby love it, string beans then I season it with salt, pepper and garlic powder. Then I put just onion. If you have pepper you can put it, or carrots at this time I don't have carrots so the only color of this dish is the pepper. Then I put it in a pyrex dish with cover. I put a little water to start the moisture. I set the oven to 350F for an hour.
I wanted to cooked like this tomorrow but it's Friday. I would love to refrain from eating meat in observance of Lent.
This must be so yummy :-) I think I will try this this weekend..
The recipe is quite intriguing and the picture looks something else than baked pork. It looks like a steamed dish or something. Anyway, I'm sure it tastes yummy and delicious. Thanks for the yummy post. God bless you always.
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