Monday, December 14, 2009

Ruby Tuesday & Rednesday: A dessert


My entry for today's Ruby Tuesday and Rednesday is this dessert that I ate last Friday at Red Knapps. I was not hungry when we went out for dinner so I ordered this sinful dessert *geezz* as far as I can remember the name of this is chocolate hot fudge caramel with cherry isn't it too sinful?? But I didn't ate this all alone I shared it with my husband and my brother and sister in law (couldn't take it alone)  and the funny thing (don't know to some)  after we got home I run 30 minutes on the thread mill, that frees me from guilt. ^+^
For more Ruby Tuesday click it HERE 
And more Rednesday click HERE


  1. This looks absolutely delicious.

  2. Wowww.. that is mouth watering. Can I have some?hehehe

    My entry

  3. That looks rich! What a dessert.

  4. A small bit of ruby atop that decadent desert! Why not enjoy this after a fine meal?? But being involved with the giving Christmas spirit, you shared the treat with loved ones. That is wonderful, a truly giving spirit you are...

  5. Tempting, tantalizing, and delicious looking dessert ;-)
    Hugs and blessings,

  6. That is really something! Thanks for taking a picture, so we can all enjoy :)

  7. Parang napakasarap naman ng dessert nayan, tulo laway ko, hehehe!

  8. Oh be still my heart...just simply decadent.

    My R T is's all about Pecan Toffee Bark today. Come over and I'll share a piece with you...


  9. That is positively sinful looking. Yum!

  10. awww looks really yummy! bet i can have that all by myself :)

    u may view mine here

  11. Wonderful photo! That dessert looks so good and was guilt-free since you shared it and ran on the treadmill.

  12. I'm starved. Looks delicious!

  13. Wonderful. My daughter and husband would fight over who got to the cherry first. Me? Personally, while THEY are aiming for the cherry, I'M going for the chocolate. LOL

  14. Looks delicious!
    Dessert and then the treadmill - that will work! :)

  15. oh manang..i am not a dessert eater but boy! does this ever look yummy!
    thank you for visiting my blog and i am glad that you like the fruit salad.
    i usually make it every other week because the spanish people have a gospel meeting every other week in their own language.
    they invite the spanish from the town, tell them the gospel and then serve a little lunch.
    when i make the salad, i have enough to give to my husband for a week in his lunch pail, so that works out pretty good..
    i have made these same salads for weddings too and people really seem to like them.
    as you can see, i am not too artistic..the fruit is chopped any which way..the chunks are all different sizes ..haha!
    thank you again for your visit..

    here is the fruit that i put in..cantaloupes, honey dew melons, seedless red or black or green grapes. kiwi, 2 cans of pineapple, two cans of tangerine oranges. michendo cherries.can of sliced peaches, strawberries if you can get them and this week there was black berries and some times i put in a mango..
    the only tedious part of the whole thing is peeling the melons and cutting them up...
    well catch you later!....terry

  16. Unbelievable - I gained weight just looking at that!

  17. That looks delicious!
    Happy Ruby Tuesday !

  18. I think I would have skipped dinner too for this yummy dessert.
    Happy RT!

  19. That looks absolutely delicious! I think I might have to run on the treadmill just from looking at it. :)

  20. Wow ! that looks like a calories bomb !

  21. OMG...that looks amazing. All I can say is wow...

  22. OMgosh!! This looks oh so good. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  23. Not fair! It's 8:20 a.m. and I want one of those for breakfast! LOL! Have a great week!

  24. Good Morning Manang! Wow, that looks big enough to have for breakfast, lunch and dinner! But you were a good girl and got on the tread mill afterwards, so it's ok!
    Merry Christmas and Happy Rednesday!

  25. Just as well you did share it between four of you, otherwise you would have had to run for two hours on the treadmill! LOL!! Looks very yummy!!
    Warmest hugs,
    Sandi @ Bearly Sane

  26. You had better run after eating just even a part of that sundae!

    Happy (late) RT! Thank you for peeking in on my granddaughter and Santa.

  27. It looks so delcious, I simply adore chocolate.

  28. Oh my! It looks so yummy. And in the spirit of giving you shared with family. ;-)

    I could never eat that alone!


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At my Tabletop,
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