Tuesday, July 22, 2014


I forget to post this dish I made last May, lol! Yes it was made last May and I forgot to post it here. These was so good dish it taste so rich and so yummy with hot rice! Yup I can't eat well without rice hubby can't understand that but I do because I am Asian that's it, lol! Back to the dish, this are beef bones with some meat on it. I put it in a pot and let it boil until so tender. Then I seasoned it with oyster sauce and a little of light soy sauce ( be aware that it gets too salty if you don't watch how much you put on the meat), a little water. As it boil again taste it then put your veggies, like carrots and celery my favorite for this dish. I like my veggies to be crunchy a bit so I did not boil it again just simmer it a little. That's it a new dish from me!

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