Thursday, May 1, 2014


I so like mushroom. One mushroom that I so like is Morrel and here in Michigan we have several Morrel farm but not close to my area. Last month hubby and I went to a hardware store and while I was in their garden checking the plants I spotted this box called Mushroom Mini Farm. It gets my attention right away so I bought it for $11.00 and followed the instructions. After 10 days I had a well blown mushroom and I did not wait for too long I cut it off and with slice onion I saute it with olive oil. Then I put it on top of the hamburger hubby made. Fresh mushroom is just too good I cannot say I won't buy this  again but with one sprout for $11.00 seems a little but expensive. 

                                                    Linking to Food Friday


  1. we love mushroom, too! can't really say I have a favorite ... i think i love them all (as long as it's edible, of course. hehehe).

    thank you so much for sharing over at Food Friday, Manang Kim
    enjoy the rest of the week!


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