Saturday, January 7, 2012

Fish Escabeche

                                Before Christmas I had this Fish escabeche or sweet and sour fish.

                                                               First I fry the fish.

                                    Then I saute the onion, garlic and carrots (julienne)

                Since I like the carrots to be still crispy I didn't over cooked it. I immediately mix the
           packed sauce ( u can see it below) and let it boil. When it boils turn off the heat and put the fish.
                            Scoop the sauce into the fish so the sauce will go inside the fish meat.

                                               I am using Mama Sita f or sweet and sour sauce

                                Here it is my ESCABECHE FISH or SWEET and SOUR FISH
                                                              Linking to YUMMY SUNDAY


  1. my tita prepared one for us last New Year's eve..

    dropping by from Yummy Sunday! Hope you can drop by at my entry too!

  2. I missed eating escabeche. I haven't done so for a while now. Looks like you did a yummy one.

    Thanks for the YS visit.

    See yah!

  3. Wow escabeche is really delicious but we are not allowed to eat any fish right now because of what happen in CDO just recently anyhow your entry is really yummy :)

  4. i use Mama Sita too! i don't know how to make the sauce on my own.. hehehe... i love that they have it there. feels like home lang. was here from YS!

  5. My Favorite!!!! now I'm drooling.

  6. I didn't know Mama Sita has this kind of mix. I just cooked Sweet and Sour pork the other day, but made the sauce from scratch ;) is the ready mix good?

    thanks for the YS visit!

    hope to see you more around ;)

  7. I learned cooking this from my mom...will try to cook this again soon!

  8. Wow, well done!!! Sarap naman nyan:)

    Visiting for YS! Her's my share-hope you can stop by:)

  9. ohhh so yummy! love it! thanks for the visit, manang Kim!

  10. fish escabeche looks delish and am drooling too :-) visiting from Yummy Sunday, hope that you can return the visit too.


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