Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Instant Cash

Next week will be the celebration of Christmas. This is the holiday that all the people are anxious about shopping and what they can get to their loved ones. Some people now are feeling the heat of beating the traffic and fellow shoppers since sales and or discounted items in the mall or any store are popping like crazy. Hubby and I were also splurging but I still do manage to rein our expenses sometimes we ended up thinking we do not need the stuff we buy. The other day at a store, we meet the long time friend of hubby from work. He talked about his brother who lives in another state. He lives here in Michigan before but after retiring he moved out to another state, which now has a lot of snow. However, he told my hubby that his brother is very hard up now a days after he loss his wife last summer.  It is kind of heart breaking knowing people have a hard time gathering the pieces after one better half is gone. I told him about taking cash advance in doing so he could appease his mind not to get anxious where to find cash. Anyway, he is a retired from a good company and he is a pensioner. It is just that when he loss his wife everything was in chaos including the cash flow. I am so thankful that I know that cash advance is here in Michigan some state do not have this yet but someday they will. 

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