Monday, October 31, 2011

We don't know what we missed

Philippines is considered a tropical country and there are many indoor and outdoor plants there that I am familiar with because my mother love indoor plants. Since we lived in the city we can only put plants indoor and or hang the plants or just place it in the veranda. Later did I know that I know more of these plants when I get here in the USA. It is because it is expensive and it is an air purifier too. I never know that when I was in the Philippines, lol! Hubby and I were at this garden and they had a place inside the building that they planted all kinds of tropical plants. I so wished that I would have them all but for now I have at least five of plants that purify the air. Winter is fast approaching and everything is close in order for not the cold breeze of air come in the house. That is why we need to have a natural air purifier and we can only get it from plants.
My mother had this plant like forever. Even at my grandparents house they make this as a fence ^_^ We call it espada or sword, and there is even a story attached to this plant. It says that if you have this plant all the enkanto/ or enchanter won't go near you. ^_^ That is what I hear when I was young lol!

The ferns and other tropical plants which my mom used to plant.

This plant on the right side we call it San Franciso, and on the left hand corner we call it palm plants which I have it here in the house now. What about you do you put plants inside your house?
                                                                             GREEN MONDAY


  1. The are lovely plants Kim. We have a few plamts around the house. My favorite are the Thanksgiving Cactus. It flowers twice a year. A lovely green post and beautiful photos. Have a great week!

  2. Hi Kim! Yes, I put plants inside the house during the winter months. In fact, it looks like a jungle here in the cold season..Christine

  3. ooh, what lovely plants, i so love the sight of green.

    thanks for sharing and see you again on green monday.


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