Thursday, October 20, 2011

Tea And Cake

For two days now we are raining like crazy, I want to work at my flower garden but I cannot. The other day my stepdaughter bought me two cherry trees and potted mums. I cannot wait to plant them at my flower garden and my trees at the side of the barn.  Anyway, we are at the middle of October and sooner than expected Thanksgiving will be here and soon after that it will be Christmas. Some do their shopping but I have not done mine yet. I only have hubby to shop for and I know what to buy. First of all her likes coffee, then teas, and of course the most things that he likes is the Christmas cake and Christmas biscuits. I find this stuff when I was talking to my SIL one time and she told me that my hubby likes the stuff that he bought online. He never told me anything especially what he likes it was a good thing I ask. This Christmas I like to surprise him for quite sometime, he did not have the stuff; I guess he did not want me to know that these are his favorites. I have check the website and I they have plenty of choices like teas, cakes and biscuits. Aside from that, they have chocolates. Now I must order for myself too. ^_^

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