Monday, September 19, 2011

The Flower

                              I had so much fun taking photos of this flower. I don't know the name of this one but
                                   I can't stopped from taking pictures. I didn't edit on this one but I used additional
                                                   flash so I can really see the texture of the seeds in the middle.
                                                                                    What you think?

                                                 And anybody know the name of this flower?

                                               CREATIVE EXCHANGE  and PICSTORY


  1. This is really beautiful Kim.
    You have captured some amazing detail!

    Thank you so much for sharing this at The Creative Exchange.

    Have a wonderful evening!


  2. And all these pictures b turned into such a beauty. I love these spectacular macros a lot. This is a very close look at the heart of flower.

    Beautiful colors and amazing sharpness. Wonderful photo work!!!!

  3. This is a great looking flower, and the macro setting makes for great imaginary views - that close up, the pistil inside reminds me of a pineapple in shape. An exvellevt effect!

  4. What an interesting flower! Love the form of the center.

  5. I love the textures you have captured in this macro. Don't know what it is but it is a lovely flower.

  6. Lovely detail in your captures!

  7. I have no idea what this flower might be but it is very beautiful. Great macro shots!
    The Road to Here

  8. Thank you Kim for this lovely PicStory-Macro. I always enjoy visiting your blog :)

  9. Hallo Kim
    leider kenne ich die Blume nicht..aber eine tolle Aufname hast du gezeigt..
    LG vom katerchen

  10. All these pictures are very beautiful ....
    LG: Karin

  11. Very nice macro, delicious flower.

  12. Taking pictures of flowers is addictive, isn't it! I am sorry I can't help with an ID. It looks quite tropical. I like the top shot best.

  13. very nice pictures!

  14. Sometimes it takes getting really close to appreciate the beauty of a flower!


    “I don’t have time,” my grandfather said,
    “to dither around and stand on my head,
    pretending that crimson is blue, not red—
    just tell me the truth, if you please.

    “I’m much too old for being lied to,
    so tell me the truth about the rose hue
    that colors the sky when the day is through
    and adds a bright blush to the trees.

    “Some call it red and some call it pink,
    some call it strawberry wine-colored ink;
    I call it rubicund, that’s what I think—
    now leave me alone, if you please.”

    © 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

    Featherless Pomegranate


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