Sunday, September 11, 2011

Chicken Mango & Pork Afritada

                                                                   Pork Afritada

                                                                  Chicken Mango

Last Wednesday, was our first catechist meeting. I brought foods for our dinner and these are two of the six or seven dishes that I cooked. ^_^ God is good!

                                                           YUMMY SUNDAY


  1. First time I am seeing a dish with mangoes, except paksiw sa mangga. Ang alam ko pininyahang manok, hehehe! Looks yummy Kim. Oh, and love the colors of afritada. I love tomato based dishes.

    Visiting via Yummy Sunday!

  2. super yummy! may tira pa ba dyan :)

  3. i haven't tried eating chicken mango. It looks delicious!

  4. 2 of the 7 dishes...what a feast! and these two looks so delicious, was wondering now what's the other 5. seeing it all will make me so hungry for sure! visiting late from YS, hope you can visit me back. thanks and have a great week. :)

  5. Yummy treat!
    Visiting from Yummy Sunday #107 ..Sorry for being so late. =)


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