Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Scotts Summer Almanac

     My husband lived in the farm. In fact,  he did not finished high school because he wanted to worked in there farm. Good thing at that time even if you are not a high school graduate you can find job so he ended up working in one of the auto factory because he went to trade school. As a farmer he knew when and what to plant  in various season. One time he made me my first garden plot and he was laughing at me because he saw me carrying a carrots and he asked me what we are going to do with it  and I said I am going to plant this and he laughed because he said that is not what we are going to plant for carrots! I thought it is the whole carrots so we laughed at that experienced.
     Two years ago hubby decided not to have a garden. He said the soil are not good it needs to rest and we have to cultivate it and put more natural stuff.  Aside from that we have farm animals that eat many of my veggies that ended up throwing many of them. One time hubby and I were at this big store and I saw Scotts Miracle-Gro's garden inside the store. I looked at some of the stuff that is being sold and I also noted the website. When I get home I told hubby to checked it online and he did. He read many new things and many techniques in planting and what to mix to the ground soil. What makes it more exciting is that you can see them in you tube and you can ask them questions may you be a beginner or a pro gardener. I love listening to all these stuff because I wanted to have my own vegetable garden as well as flower garden. After we watch the video we are more inspired to begin our new garden next year and by that time we are ready to work.

How does ScottsMiracle-Gro’s garden grow?


  1. Great that your hubby is a farmer and knows a lot about plant cultivation. That will help you a lot to begin your own vegetable and flower garden. Thanks for the post. God bless you always.

  2. I love FARM! and so my family. Every summer, we try to drive down to Indiana to spend a week with in-laws, they have dairy and at least a hundred of acres of farm. They grow corn and peas! I hope that someday when hubby retires, we can find a small farm house where we could raise our two little boys who love animals and veggie and flower garden


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