Friday, July 15, 2011

For a change

I've been here in MI for almost seven years now and I kind of adjusted the whole culture already. I didn't say that I don't missed my native country Philippines and the food and of course my siblings and nieces and nephew but what I am saying is that I already accepted the fact that this is where I will be going to aged, lol! And because of these realization I told hubby that I like to go back to school. It's not to get another degree but some courses that would help me find another area of interest. I was searching over the internet of schools online and found Walden University. Well in the Philippines if you read University it would cost a lot of money so I read and  browse there website and voila I found out that at I found out that there is what we call financial aid for college students. I was like that is very cool and to know what is it all about I read it further and in the first page of their website you can find three options for financial aid which is again that is very helpful for me who doesn't have that much money to go back to school. 
For me to search, look, inquire is an opportunity that we all should avail. I still have plans for studying further it might not be with in the Accounting degree that I've got from the Philippines but for now I would love to follow my passion and that would be photography and cooking. ^_^

1 comment:

  1. That sounds great! My passions are photography and cooking too! It's always good to look forward and remember the past! I live in Florida and most of my family lives in west is hard not seeing them very often. So nice for computers to stay in touch.


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My Lifes Journey in Focus,
My Photography in focus,
At my Tabletop,
40's and fabulous,
My pride and joy,