Monday, January 4, 2010

Ruby Red Tuesday and Rednesday: Macopa

MACOPA... also known as Malay apple or Tersana rose apple. When I was young we used to visit my maternal grandparents in the country side and at the back of their house this fruit tree was located. As soon as we touched our feet on the ground we ran like crazy going to the backyard just to climb up the tree and ate this fruit right on top. My parents would holler at us to climb down since we haven't pay our respect (by kissing the hands of our grandparents) first to our grandparents ^_^. I remember one time me and my brother agreed to have a climbing race going to the top of the tree of course I won but my pants got ripped hehehehehe. Those were the days. 


A tree reaching a height of 10 meters. Leaves, pinkish when young; older leaves are large, drooping, elliptic-oblong to broadly oblong-lanceolate, 15-30 cm long, 7-15 cm wide, narrowed and pointed . Flowers are large, crimson, 5-6 cms diameter, clustered on racemes aboout 6 cm long. Fruit is shiny, oblong or pear-shaped, 5-7.5 cm long, white splashed, striped with pink, or crimson to purplish, seedless or one-seeded. Flesh is white, pithy, juicy. Although rather tasteless, some varieties have a pleasant flavor.
Cultivated for its edible fruit.

Parts used and preparation

Constituents and properties
• Leaf oil largely composed of monoterpenes (30% sesquiterpenes, 9 % caryophyllene).
• Considered diuretic, emmenagogue, abortifacient, febrifuge. 

Not known in the Philippines for its medicinal properties.
In other countries, the astringent bark is a mouthwash for thrush (dapulak).
A root-bark decoction used for dysentery and amenorrhea.
Powdered leaves used for cracked tongues.
Root-bark used as abortifacient.
In Hawaii, juice of salted pounded bark used for wounds.

In Molucca, decoction of bark used for thrush.
Malayans use powdered dried leaves for cracked tongues. Root preparations for itching.
In Cambodia, decoction of fruit, leaves and seeds used for fever. Juice of leaves used for baths and lotions.
In Brazil, used for diabetes, cough, headaches.
In Malaysian Borneo, Malaysian Bornea, decoction of stem and bark for diarrhea.
Nutrion / Culinary
Fruit is eaten raw but may be prepared with flavoring.
In Puerto Rico, used for making of table wines.
In Indonesia, flowers eaten in salads. Young shoots and leaves eaten, raw or cooked.
Wood is used for construction, bowls and boards.

Antiinflammatory: Flavan-3-ols isolated from some medicinal plants inhibiting COX-1 and COX-2 catalysed prostaglandin biosynthesis: S malaccense was one of four plants tested that were traditionally used for inflammatory conditions.
Antioxidant: Study of 58 underutilized Malaysian fruits of 32 different species, included syzygium m



For more Ruby Red Tuesday posts visit it  HERE  
For more REdnesday visit HERE


  1. oh yes, macopa--one of my favorite fruits in the summer! it's thirst-quenching. we had a next-door neighbor with a macopa tree and the owner would pay us kids a peso per bucket, then we'd eat what we harvested.:p

  2. I think these are what the Malays here call , Jambu air. I love eating them as a child, dipped in black sauce with chilli slices and sugar.Not many trees nowadays but we can buy them when it's in season. They are imported from Malaysia.

  3. They look like miniature pomegranates. I love you sharing your race to climb memory.

    My Ruby Tuesday is posted HERE --scroll down below the Heads or Tails Meme to find it tho!

    Happy day to you.

  4. The macopa fruits are a brand new experience to me. They look delicious, and the many ways to use the tree and its fruits are very interesting.
    I find alternative medicine so rich and I always gather herbs and fruits for wintertime, when most illnesses strike here north.
    Just today I fetched a bucket of frozen black elderberries from the fridge. supposed to strengthen the immune system.

    Climbing trees must be a universal sport for children. I sure liked to sit in the top of our apple trees eating and singing. Wow, I had almost forgotten what fun it was.
    Thanks for sharing, teaching me something new and bring back good memories.
    From Felisol

  5. Thanks for the botanical information. I hadn't seen this plant before.

  6. Have never seen these I think, they do remember of pomogranates though. Thansk for the visit.

  7. I've seen - and tasted - these apples in Hawaii but never knew they had all those uses. Thanks for the visit.

  8. What interesting facts about a fruit I have never heard of, but sure would like to try.
    Happy RT to you too.

  9. Hi KIm, it's been a long time since I've eaten Macopas.I don't know before na may medicinal uses din ito.Thanks for sharing.

  10. Manang Kim dami mong macopa, pahingi. im craving for macopa kasi nakita ko tong ruby macopa mo aw ruby tusday pala.

    Mine is at worths road.

  11. The lovely ruby fruit seems delicious, and the shape so different from the fruit in North America. The look of taste is what we see and imagine...Excellent ruby!

  12. You've got some great recipes and your blog! Thanks for stopping by and visiting. I will be back again for sure!

    Stay Cozy, Carrie

  13. Lovely photos, the fruit looks delicious. I have never heard of this before and enjoyed reading all the information.

    On my post today, you asked why the snow looked blue. It was a very sunny day and the blue in the sky might have reflected on the snow giving it that color.

  14. very nice story of the macopa climbing race, hehehe!
    We almost got the same post although my rose apple here looks a little bit different. It's now blooming season here in Thailand so it's a nice scene for me when they're in bunches on the tree. i'll share them next RTs.

  15. Beautiful fruit and photo. Very interesting post. I'll have to try macopa if I ever get the chance.

  16. That ruby red fruit looks delicious. I've never had macopa. I will try it sometime.

    I love the story about your memories of racing to climb the tree. Ah, childhood!

    Happy belated Ruby Tuesday!

  17. I love this post, and it sounds like such a pretty tree, with the pink leaves! That was a great story of how you and your brother raced up the tree. Those apples must taste amazing!
    Happy REDnesday!

  18. What a sweet story. I've never seen these before. I love the quote on your header.

  19. Great Pic & story!I would like to try some . Thanks for sharing .

  20. These are beautiful fruits. Do you grow them or buy them? What a sweet memory too.

  21. My Mil has a macopa tree in her backyard but they are more pink than red.

  22. Well I just learned something I never knew! I have never heard of the Macopa Tree before! Thanks for sharing that! It's always nice to see things from different parts of the world!

  23. By any name, they sure look good. Thanks for the great info. B : )

  24. Looks yummy! I'll have to see if I can find them in my part of the world - maybe a specialty shop.

  25. wow! i missed macopa! haven't taste it since highschool...awww...

  26. hi.. do you have any idea how to use macopa for ever? thank you!

  27. hi.. do you have any idea how to use macopa for Fever? thank you!

  28. Thanks for the botanical information. I hadn't seen this plant before.


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