Monday, November 23, 2009

Ruby Tuesday: Ruby rings

Wow, it is Ruby Tuesday again and my entry for this week is my two ruby rings. My mother gave this to me -sniff-sniff- (she passed away 10 yrs ago). I keep this two in real good shape, I tell you I don't wear this much I just want to look at it and remember those memories I had with my Mama -sniff-sniff- . My mama and me didn't fall on the month that ruby is the birthstone, mine is diamond while my mom is emerald but she has this two ruby rings and she loves it that much she gave it to me when she already got sick. Isn't it pretty red but what makes it more pretty is the story behind and the memories that I am going to treasure for the rest of my life.

Please excuse me for my an-manicured fingernails hehehe it's red too -wink-wink-


  1. Hey, I have opal rings because I love opal and they are not my birthstone. I wear them anyway.

    It is nice you have these rubies to remind you of your mom.

  2. i love your FaBuLoUs RUBY GeMs :)

  3. woww, those are so pretty especially the first one. I am sure your mum is so happy you keep those rubies to remind you of her.

    Happy RT

  4. What pretty ring! I see myself wearing it :-)

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    ...Ruby door is the perfect background for...

  5. Those rings hold many wonderful memories...what treasures!

  6. Very precious gems for more reasons than one.

  7. Aah! Precious stones with equally precious memories.

  8. Beautiful rings and valuable memories in every sense.
    I actually don't care what my birthstones are I wear the rings I like, or the rings which are given to me.
    Heirlooms like these rings sure deserve to be displayed. Good choice for a Ruby Tuesday.
    From Felisol

  9. Great rings, with lovely memories for you!

  10. They are beautiful!
    and I can't help but noticed, we have the same style of wedding ring. :)

  11. wow ka sayo sa imong entry te woi...ehehhee...lunes pa man...:)

    anyhow, very nice rings tKim....very sentimental man kaau ni looks great on your finger....:)

  12. Manang, those are absolutely beautiful!

    Thanks for sharing their story. My Mom passed away about the same time, so I can imagine how you still hold her in your heart.


  13. they are so pretty! and am sure, your mother is happy that you're taking good care of them. have a good week ahead!

  14. sniff sniff too, those are beautiful tKim, my father in law gave me my late mother-in-law's ruby ring too. She passed away 5 years ago..

    Beauty of the Fall

  15. Those rings a gorgeous, and they fit in Ruby Tuesday perfectly. It's wonderful that theyalso have good memories of your mother.

  16. they're beautiful!

    Happy Thanksgiving! Please check out Our last days in Korea

  17. What a nice memory of your mon and the rings are beautiful.

  18. I like the shape of the stone on your finger, I think my mom used to have one but blue in color, she got it from her mom too .

  19. What lovely rings and how wonderful that they carry such special memories. Ruby is my birthstone - July. The ring looks beautiful on your hand.

  20. The rings are very pretty but I am sure it's the memories they bring you that you will cherish the most.

  21. What a special gift. The rings are beautiful, but even more so the memories that they come with.

  22. Oh i like that ring very pretty. Happy Ruby Tuesday.

  23. Beautiful rings, indeed! I'm sure your Mom is happy to see you wearing them. :)

    My RT entry is here.

  24. What a nice ring. Complete with great Memories. happy RT

  25. Those are lovely rings, as are the memories that they hold for you.

    Happy Belated Ruby Tuesday ~ thanks for visiting me!

  26. the design about rings are commendable that has been shown through your site and i really appreciate and love it.


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