Wednesday, October 1, 2008

October the month of Rosary

When I was young I was already exposed to the rosary, from the prayers and from what it looks like. But by then I don't take it seriously nor looked at it closely I just happened to see it carried by my Nanay and Mama in going to the church, I happened so see it in our altar besides the pictures of saints and Jesus or statues I also happened to notice that they pray in accordance to the beads everytime they move their fingers. But as I have said I didn't take noticed of all of this things.

When I was in high school I didn't pray the rosary either but I saw my mama pray with it. Every All saints or All souls day we pray for the souls with the rosary, when their is a death anniversary me and my mom pray the rosary. I was exposed at it in a long time.

But when I started to asked, to explore, to study more of my faith and church it was then that I knew how beautiful the rosary in our life. With the exposure of my younger age and the teaching of my mama I come to realize that this is the "thing" that will hold me sane in this chaotic life and it did. Me and my siblings become orphaned in our young age, where do you think I go for strength, it is by praying the rosary, going to mass and adoring the Blessed Sacrament.

I couldn't say that I don't skip in my prayer time, heck I do slip from time to time, but I don't stop praying. This month is offered for the month of Rosary I vow to pray for it everyday and offer my family, relatives, friends, neighbors, our government, our church to God with the intercession of the Blessed Mother Mary and all the saints and souls in heaven.

1Thessalonians 5:16-18 = Be joyful always, pray at all times, be thankful in all circumstances. This is what God wants from you in your life in union with Christ Jesus.
Here is a site that might help ROSARY

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